Tips On Epoxy Surface Maintenance From Enriched Concrete Designs of Texas, Your Source For Concrete Preservation Services

Few conventional surfaces appear stronger or more solid than concrete. Civilization has relied on this sturdy substance for constructing everything from the Roman Colosseum to our modern highway systems.

We can provide extra protection for concrete surfaces by using a professionally-applied epoxy coating. That coating, however, does not guarantee pristine conditions in the long term.

Like anything else, epoxy-sealed concrete can degrade. The punishing effects of weather, regular use, and other issues, can cause discoloration, cracking, and more.

We take pride in providing the best in concrete preservation services, as well as tips on how to keep your epoxy coating looking better for longer.

Keep the Surface Clean

Sweeping the surface on a regular basis, preferably daily, does more than just remove dirt.

In our experience, daily settling of dirt, pebbles, and other debris can affect the surface over time. It creates a build up of grime that can detract from the floor’s natural beauty.

Even worse, objects such as small rocks can potentially damage the floor. Sweeping serves as the first line of defense in protecting your epoxy coating.

Remove Stains Quickly

Epoxy coatings do an outstanding job of resisting stains, but long term exposure to some substances can create difficult-to-remove spots.

If the spill is fresh, wipe it up immediately with a towel. Short term exposure should do no damage. If the spill happened some time ago, we suggest that you sweep away dirt and debris, then use a hard foam mop, hot water, and clear ammonia. This combination will most effectively clean the surface and restore its shine.

Limit Use of De-Icers

De-icers contain harsh substances used to melt ice. During extreme weather, many rely on them to clear surfaces of ice and snow.

While this enhances safety, it can harm epoxy surfaces and bare concrete.

First, limit use of de-icers. They often leave a dull and hazy film on epoxy surfaces.

Next, if de-icers do come into contact with the epoxy floor, use hot water and a deck brush to restore the surface to its original luster.

Remember that rock salt and cinders from snow-treated roads can also damage an epoxy-coated garage floor. Make sure to sweep such materials off the surface.

Place Mats In Heavily-Used Areas

Areas that see high traffic or are used as work spaces will see more surface damage over time than less-travelled areas. Any type of flooring or coating will see the same issue.

We recommend that you place mats, carpet, or other coverings on high-use areas. Mats can protect your floor from normal wear and tear. If needed, you can simply remove the mats to show off the floor surface.

Call a Concrete Preservation Services Professional

Sometimes the damage has gone too far for normal cleaning and maintenance. If your epoxy-covered concrete floor is showing serious signs of damage or neglect, your best option is to call in the professionals.

Enriched Concrete Designs of Texas has years of experience in creating and reinvigorating epoxy-covered concrete floors. If your surface has seen too much damage, give us a call. Our experienced team will assess the problem, suggest a solution, and offer a quote.

We strive to be the best, and to serve as the area’s epoxy experts. Call us today for experienced service and incredible results.